November 30th: Breakfast with Álvaro de Marichalar to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the World’s First Circumnavigation at Cantinetta Antinori

In order to celebrate this Fifth-Centennial, Spanish explorer Álvaro de Marichalar is Solo navigating around the world aboard his 11ft vessel following the watermark of Ferdinand Magellan, Juan Sebastián Elcano and the courageous sailors of the 16th century who discovered the shape of our planet for the first time.

Álvaro crossed the Atlantic from Gibraltar to the French Caribbean island of Guadalupe. The M/Y YERSIN explorer vessel, accompanied him along the way providing food and supplies. From Guadalupe he continued sailing on his own (without support vessel) Monserrat, San Bartolomé, Santa Cruz (US Virgin Islands), Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba and Miami, where he arrived on March 16, 2020. The continuation of his journey was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Álvaro is currently waiting to resume his endeavor in the end of 2021.

The MVCA had the opportunity to have breakfast at Cantinetta Antinori with Alvaro before resuming his journey.

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